Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I'm about to get SMNC! Super Monday Night Combat. In fact, It downloaded just a while ago. The class I'm gonna be is The Assassin. Here are her pros and cons. Pros: Can turn invisible, Can use smoke bombs to cover approach, Can backstab, Can jump high. Cons: Takes lots of skill to use, Is not the gender I expected her to be, Low Health. My bro is gonna be Support and my other bro is gonna be a Tank. My friend is gonna be a sniper. Stupid genders, always ruining my gender karma. Assassin has to wear a mask that hid it's gender from me. Until I watched the trailer for The Assassin and then the Gender Karma ruining started. I have gender karma and so far Chell and The Assassin ruined it. And soon the Mirror's Edge lady will too. Do you want pic of assassin? Here is teh pic, if you wanna see.
 Looks pretty cool huh? It uses katanas to take down 40 ft robots, so I think that it's a worthy class.

I also have the sniper as a backup class. Maybe he's better than this Katana wielding class.

Yeah, maybe, maybe. But if I become a sniper, he must be Australian, and this sniper isn't Australian.
Better stick with Mr Mundy.

Don't you think that this is a good game? I'm getting it on steam and it is completely F-R-E-E.
Steam rules and bye.

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