Monday, May 7, 2012


Today I was thinking about marrying someone! In Skyrim. Trololol. I found an Amulet Of Mara and now I will propose to Shavee. Trololol. But first I must complete A QUEST! Darn.

Right now, I'm trying to forge Daedric Armor. But that's not an easy feat, so I'm gonna start small, with Dwarven Armor. I also found lots and lots of Orcish Weapons. Lucky, you think? Well, I can't find any Orcish Armor. Guess I might find some in a quest. I'm gonna upgrade my smithing until I can make Daedric Armor. I need almost every awesome blacksmith perk until I can make this new awesome armor.

I now can also use FUS RO DAH! I used it on a giant that was chasing me. It was super effective and I got away. The first time I used FUS RO DAH! was on a poor wolf.
Died because of environmental damage. He really bumped down that hill. I also used it on a rabbit. Killed it instantly. And the giant I used it on? Hardly damaged him, but pushed him very far. I had enough time to get away and never come back.

I also defeated a huge dragon that Alduin revives. It took a bit of time, but I killed it.

Orcish Armor is good, but there is something better than Orcish Weapons that will blow your mind. Dwarven Weapons. The Dwarven Armor, for some reason, is weaker than Orcish Armor (and they claim to be the best smiths in the world), but the weapons are stronger than the orc's weapons. Dude Bye.

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