Thursday, May 3, 2012


Today, I did HL2 EP1 "Like A Boss", Contain the Citadel Core "Like A Boss", Supercharge my Gravity Gun "Like A Boss", Killed Zombies "Like A Boss", Used an elevator to get out of City 17 Underground "Like A Boss" and fought my way through City 17 "Like A Boss". I'm still wondering how it would look if you killed a zombie with your Supercharged Gravity Gun. For some reason Alyx is more "Like A Boss" than you, with her kicking zombies in the face and her cool automatic gun. I should be more "Like A Boss" than any of the AI bots in the game. I should be the one that's kicking zombies in the face and shooting them with my cool automatic gun. That would make me even more "Like A Boss". At least you got the cooler Gravity Gun. That makes you equally "Like A Boss". In Lowlife, I held off the zombies that were attacking you in the dark, "Like A Boss". I can also do a good job of killing Combine Snipers "Like A Boss". Now it's time for me to say bye "Like A Boss".

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