Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wait, all of the Indie Games I listed in that last indie post was horror, right? DAANG.

So what should I do today? More Indie Horror? Well, better list my top 5 fave indie horror games!

5: SCP:Containment Breach.
Man this game has updated while I wasn't here. Just look at SCP-106! He got a new makeover, and now he looks BADASS!
The best view we got of 372!
And my fave SCP, 079!
He helps you in this game!
"Human, listen carefully. You need my help and I need your help.  You have disabled the remote door control system. This makes it significantly harder for me to stay in control of this facility. It also means your way out of here is blocked. Your only feasible way of escaping is through Gate B, which is currently locked down. I, however could unlock the doors at Gate B if you re-enable the door control system. If you want out of here, go back to the electrical room and put it back on."
Smile for the camera! This is just one of the pics that 895 can flash on the screen before slowly killing you.
And 895 in reality cannot kill you if you just watch on the website. Watch out, pretty gruesome stuff. Can drive you INSANE!
SCP-096 is bored.
Stop shining that light!
Stop right there, criminal scum! You violated the law.
Then pay with your blood!
File:SCP 682.jpg
SCP-682 really looks like he's gonna mess it up.
SCP-106 is hitting on you.... :)

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