Thursday, January 10, 2013

Final Round!

OK, last time we were here, the SCPcraft mod and the Twilight Forest mod were going to duke it out....

So, let us begin!

The SCPcraft mod adds 1 new boss, Pipe Nightmare.

And ingame.

If that isn't creepy enough, the game adds a monster in the middle of this labyrinth.
Also, look at what we have here. It's our old buddy, SCP-409!
He will crystallize everything around him. They will turn into the same block. Only one block can replicate into one million.

Aww, my bro's making a blog that has mods for me! AND NOT YOU SO $#%& OFF!

I placed this crystal once, and it destroyed almost all of the Superflat world my bro and I were living on.

We had to move to a village. We built a wall around it, to no avail. It got engulfed too!

So we moved again. And this time we built a wall out of granite. It got under it!

So we moved AGAIN! This time I was smart and built the wall as deep as bedrock. The village survived, but everything else......... DEAD. CRYSTALLIZED.

But the Invincible SCPs..... No.... They survived. Hell knows where they are now, but I know they're up to no good. I've been seeing some Paranormal Activity around the village.... we were creative, so it didn't attack us. It was SCP-106. He escaped containment! He couldn't get through the corroded area, but when it crystallized, he could easily get through. At night though, there are worse creatures invading. Burning Men! We had to double block it with water! They never got through, luckily. \o/

So, that was the SCP mod! See you next time in part 2, when I shall document the Twilight Forest and at the same time announce the winner!

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