Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Portal Gun Mod Is Pretty Cool!

So I got the portal gun Mawd!

It's so cool! You can shoot portals, go through them, that kind of shiet.

BDCraft made some textures for it.IMAGE(http://i.imgur.com/BdsVC.png)
So, with great power comes great crafting recipes. Work hard and you just might be able to get these!
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This is how hard it is to make the portal gun. But no worries, the other crafting recipes are much easier.
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Atlas' Portal Gun
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P-Body's Portal Gun.

There are more crafting recipes, but I can't really list them all. Oh wait, I can.

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Bakin Portal Gun
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Portal Area
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Portal Gun Pedestal! Has awesome animations!
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If you cook the Portal gun then it can only shoot one kind of portal (Just like the beginning of the game)
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And Vice Versa.
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Use this to craft a Long Fall Boot.
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And craft them together to get Long Fall Boots!
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There is a fuel option, which makes the portal gun use Ender Pearl Dust Fuel.
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Remake your Ender Pearls!
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The Weighted Storage Cube. Our Old friend.
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But if you right click it with a rose, then It becomes our best friend! The Companion Cube! An excellent healing block!
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If you incinerate it (How Could You) then you get a Portal track!
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Incinerating that Portal Track gives you another portal track!
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Or you could craft two of the first disk together, making the third and final disk!

I'm not sure about this, but I think that the first track is Still Alive, the second track is Still Alive - Radio Version.

The final one is Want You Gone.

If you got the second one and you thought "Jukeboxes suck! I want a radio that plays this song over and over!"

Well you're in luck, because with the second disk, you can craft a radio!
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It plays the Portal Radio Song!

Soooooo.... Time for more recipes.
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 The vent! It drops Weighted Storage Cubes into the Portalfield.
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Companion Cube vent included.
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The Turret will kill all!
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Incinerate it and it will become a defect.
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Try this dumb detector! Insert 1 diamond and test your stupidity!
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This shoots Combine Balls.
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And this catches them, powering a Redstone area.
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Yay! Lasers! Let's stand right in front of one looking directly a- "BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"
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The other end. Get the laser to get in this area to power redstone.
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If you want to power more things with the laser, then please use this.
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The reflector! We all remember this one!
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Last, but not least, we have the checkpoint block......
Umm, what?

So that was the Portal Gun Mod.

Did someone say Richard Parkour?
 Parkour fl2006.jpg
"Jump" "Backflip" "Jump into Tiger Cage" "Jump Over Tiger" "Trips Over" "Gets Eaten" 



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