Monday, January 7, 2013

Minecraft Mods and maybe a touch of Dragon Age Origins.

Clay Soldiers Mod is awesome. I don't know what to say.

If you want all the info you can get, it's a coming!
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Customization, why this mod is so cool.
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Sticks, for war!

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Leather, for armor!
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Gold, for leaders!

And much much more! Read the mod's forum section to learn more and even download it! To get there, just click on the banner below.
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So, um, Dragon Age Origins, I guess.

Which bosses have you defeated! I already finished the game, but I need moar!
Archdemon was too easy.
The Architect was also too easy, just use bows.
I love lyrium, but my dwarf says, nope, I can't do that.
I despise dwarves.
 Runic golem.png 
I only like them for their golems. 

Golems are pretty cool, and they will kill all that oppose them. 
There are only a few types of golems, but more are added in the Golems Of Amgarrak.
All the trivia I can give you is here! See you guys soon!

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