Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Having a bad day..................................................

With all the dots I put after every sentence you know I'm having a bad day.
So let's talk about all the emotional games so I can calm down for once.


BTW, I imported that emoticon from Gmail. TRY IT!

So relax, chill, and have a few of these:

Dang. Well.... I dunno what we got? Cry Of Fear! That's a good one!
But if I'm going to keep typing then I'm going to need one of these:   
Well, it's the end of this month isn't it. Happiness everywhere! So happy end of the first month of 2013!

We need to separate each part. It's about to turn into the creepy part that you might want to skip so....

Next Chapter!

You've met with a bad fate, haven't you. Because you just flipped up to the next chamber! Horror time!

 So, at first you're just in a train. Chillin'. Having a HORRIBLE life. Contemplating Suicide.
So for no possible reason, once you get off the train, you find this dying man. He's all like HELP ME! And then you walk up to him. And then an evil TOYOTA crashes into you! ROADKILL! But never fear, you just got disabled. But you're in the dream world now. Wake up in an apartment (With an HL2 poster)
and open some doors with a CAMERA! Take pics of all the X's and see all the crazy, creepy things going on in your mind. There's a final X in the hallway! Maybe this is it! You'll be out of this dream world. BUT NO!
And A Wikia Contributor said this about him:
When I saw this thing, I fell off my chair, I dared my cousin to play it, she fell of her chair, I showed my friend, he fell off his chair. THIS THING IS HORRIFYING 
Then you wake up in an alley with only a knife and a Cell. Cellphone! You can use it as light. And to receive texts!

So just walk around the city, see strange stuff and walk into the sewers! Once you get there, you find this.

Oh no! He's going to smash your face in! But, of course, you speak Chopnese.

So Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop!
Translation: So then you slice him up good!

Oh, and in the secret ending, you get to speak AXENESE!

So you keep going! And then you approach.... THE PEDO APARTMENTS!
Yes. The guy owning them is full pedo.

If you find him, ask him to come sit over here.

After going through them and finding out what happened to the CHILDREN (They're all trashbag-wearing zombies dual-weilding knives) you can go visit your GF!
Oh, and almost forgot. Through the aparts you can find these 2 bosses!
But it's a one-sided relationship, and for some reason she commits suicide.

And then this crazy thing comes out of nowhere. Suspended to the skies!


Kill that or run. IT WILL AFFECT THE ENDING!

Oh, and while getting to the third boss, watch out for Polisbils.

Go to the subway! Watch out for Farshas. Oh, and if you find a college, go in and find a M16!

If you finally open the gate and can get Farsha up and running, then go! But watch out, because Farsha & you crash!

After that, you lose all of your weapons :(

Go through the forests! Watch out for ladies that jump out of trees with ropes around their necks. WAAAAAAAAAAAH! Is the sound they make. If they land on you, you get damaged, so watch out!

Get to the asylum! Once you get there, meet Doc with the gasmask. He'll ask you to go get a pistol for him. If you get it, he'll ask you to give it to him. Accept or decline! That will affect the ending as well!

Then the guy becomes the current boss! Remember, this is the only boss with a gun. But not the first boss that shoots projectiles.

Kill him, get that pistol back and row row row your boat.

Get to a house. The house is horrifying. It's dark, and filled with pregnant women!

The babies are sentient. Get too close and they'll pop right out of the embryo and hack and slash at you with a knife! From far away, these preggers can get you to commit suicide. RESIST!

So find the sewers, and go to the friendly neighborhood.

You'll get to your apartment after a short run. And then, the ending happens! Don't wanna spoil it for you, so gonna end it here.

Goodbye, and thx for reading!

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