Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Top 5 favorite champs in LoL

5. Lulu, The Fae Sorceress.
File:Lulu OriginalSkin.jpg
Summoner Mages are best Mages. Pix is one of the best summoned creatures. Well, technically Pix is an attack, but BACK TO FAVES!
Sound Check!

4. Mordekaiser, The Master of Metal.
Fighters are my third fave type, second being mages.
Sound Check!

3. Kha'Zix, The Voidreaver.
File:Kha'Zix OriginalSkin.jpg
The very first hero I saw in action, who was actually pretty fast. He flies around killing things. He's also very good at killing the dragon.
Sound Check!

Last 2 will be previewed with my fave skins on!

2. Annie, The Dark Child.
Slightly cute, slightly adorable, but that all changes when she summons Tibbers to rip your face off before cooking you on his own skin. Also, even without Tibs, Annie is pretty threatening. HIDE YOUR COMBUSTIBLES!
Sound Check!

1. Nautilus, The Titan of The Depths.
The Chinese preview had a better look at him. Remember when I said that Mage was my 2ND fave class? My first is tank. And especially a tank with a huge Anchor that turns into a pickaxe when you switch to my fave skin. Nautilus doesn't care if you have combustibles, but he likes saltwater. But he questions himself. He thinks that sometimes that anchor just weighs him down. And being trapped in that suit for eternity doesn't sound that fun either. Either way, he seems to be holding a whole lotta secrets inside that. Like how he can swim in the air and how fun it is to wear a spacesuit and go to SPAAAAAAAACE!
Sound Check!

It's a great honor to feature my favorite 5. Thanx for reading (If you did) AND BYYYYYE!

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