Monday, February 25, 2013

Gmod Addons To Defend My Shop!

I own a game store in DunCity, and I'm gonna need some defense! I sell old school games ranging from S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Resistance. I also sell PCs! No Macs.


That's my Boomstick. Think this is good defense? Well, I'd question that, there may be better weapons.

And when everything goes wrong, I kill myself!
If it's all the same to you.

Or should I get an SMG? More compact, and more damaging at the same time!
Damn, not many Sweps that I want. Should I find more defense, or do I have everything I need with the Kermite's shotgun pack?

I'll keep searching. And I found a new map where I can move to when this old map gets, well, old.

So goodbye! 

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