Monday, February 25, 2013

Dead Space 3, Crazy Stuff and the Scenario Five.

Haven't gotten Dead Space 3 yet, wait until tomorrow. So, just a quick explanation of Scenario Five. First, switch off all vehicles. Second, delete all data and pwn all who oppose to the idea. Third, kill yourselves, because you suck.

Now, you don't wanna do that, do you? If so, then that means you are quite a sane person, and you should play Dead Space 3.

 Dead Space 1 is very scary too, so you can play that. I'd recommend it, great game, great game indeed.

Who do you like better, Issac or Carver? I like Issac, because he be awesome.
And this be Little Timmy. The guy who you play as in the Prologue. Who gets killed because, wait for it, Scenario Five.

The Nexus is horrifying.
File:Dead Space 3 Nexus Concept.jpg
An evil centipede creature! But the worst creature is the moon. It's the final boss.

Issac is in hiding from the Government. Sad, he doesn't deserve dis! SNF, GOODBAI, WAH.

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