Thursday, February 21, 2013


Epicness everywhere as I get 200 RP into my account to buy Thresh.....

This is it readers, I'm gonna get Thresh!

Entering League Of Legends.

Going into the shop.

Converting shells to RP......

Buying Thresh!


File:Thresh OriginalSkin.jpg
Thresh has been gotten!

Now, the last thing my enemies will hear will be my chains....
Cling Clang Go The Chains, Someone's Out To Find You....

Cling Clang Oh The Chains, The Warden's Right Behind You....

Quick Now, The Seeking Chains, Approach With Their Shrill Scrape....

Don't Stop, Flee The Chains, Your Last Chance To Escape....

Drag The Chains, Drag The Chains, With All The Strength You May....

Drag The Chains, Drag The Chains, 'Ere They Drag You Away....

Cling Clang Go The Chains, There's No More Time To Fear....

Cling Clang Go The Chains, The Last Sound That You'll Hear.

Those words are wise, because this almost always happens.....

Also, you think you're gonna die peacefully on that battlefield? By The Nine, are you daft? I'll just take your soul and put it somewhere which is just a cross of hell and limbo..... My lantern.

Oh, and guess what? Do you wanna know my max souls? PSYCHE! THERE IS NONE!

I almost forgot! Sorry guys! I almost forgot about Sound Check!

A good voice to test your new speakers/headphones/earbuds/etc

Ever Seen Your Soul? Would You Like To?

Ever Seen Thresh? Would You Like To? Just go to LoLking! Link!

His death is so pathetic.

"Lantern, what are you doing? NO LANTERN NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOO! Ded"

His lantern revolts against him and sucks HIS soul! Pathetic!

Screaming won't do you any good, but it's time to stop this poooost.

WAIT! As promised, Animal Bike Pics.

Pony Party!

Complete with DJ record!

Heya Guys!

Howya Doin?

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