Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Animal Bikes!

Minecraft mod AnimalBikes Pony Bike
Welcome to Animal Bikes! An amazing mod! I just made a pony farm. Haters gonna hate. This ain't me, but it soon will be! Haven't got any screenies yet, but soon will! In my farm, I got Scoot, Moona, Fluttershy, Vinyl Scratch and moar!

My second favorite Pony Bike is Scoot, or full name Scootaloo! Because my username is in the name! Although my favorite of all time is Moona the queen of Wherld.
Minecraft mod AnimalBikes Chocobo
After my MLP farm was finished, I began to take interest into Chocobos. I rode one while holding a musket and shot everything in my way. Even pony bikes, if they were out of my farm. Ohai Lyra what are you doing outside my farm BAM.
Minecraft mod AnimalBikes Notch Bike
Notch Bike is a traitor! I decided to give apples to all, and then he decided ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH APPLE-GIVING NOW I'M GONNA TURN INTO A NOTCH-PACMAN AND BITE THE LIVING STEVE OUTTA YOU!

My Pegasi fly in a different way because of my Smart Moving. It's more realistic. They stretch their hands out and FLYYYYYYY! Just like I imagined! They also can crouch and do the spider stance. All will be revealed in tomorrow's post, but for now, just hang on.

So this mod is epic. I can make a Notch Farm, a Chocobo Farm which I'll use to make KFC and Pony Farm, of course, can't forget that.

Notch tried to bite my head off. So I filled his head with buckshot.

Well, he is only a head. So headshots are pretty much unavoidable, sadly. DIE NOTCH! DIE! Sorry Notch, but this isn't you. This is an abomination. A disgrace! I have to say goodbye, I need to pwn more notches.

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