Thursday, February 14, 2013

Time to learn from the masters of getting IP... YOU!

You guys recommend ways of getting IP pls! I can't get RP (yet) but maybe soon!

My way? Wait until Win Of The Day Bonus is ready. Stop the enemies from invading your base while not invading their base. Wait until 50 minutes have passed. Use your OP skills to cut through the enemy and win!

Ooooooor...... If an enemy tries invading your base, then use Teemo.

Oh, and on weekends I can play 0 games minimum (OBVIOUSLY), 13 max (Sat) 9 max (Sun)

So that should mean (Eh, uh, mhm.) I could earn 1300 max on Saturdays and 900 max on Sundays! I AM THE BEST CALCULATOR EVER (I'm lying)

Add that to the First win of the day bonus and.. 1450 max on Saturdays, 1050 max on Sundays. OR IS IT? DUM DUM DUM! Maybe I could try Heroes Of Newerth.

Uh oh, Karthus got too drunk. I read all about it. Karthus is a lich!

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