Monday, February 11, 2013


Save the happy campers from Hockey Mask Man! We must do this before they get chopped up by Hockey Mask Man! But can he chop up the happy campers with just a hockey stick!
This is a mugshot of someone that looks like him. If you find someone that looks like this chasing happy campers, then call me IMMEDIATELY. He's also known to come out of a specific pond. He also looks like a day-old corpse, so that's another thing. He's also covered in algae.
Do your part and make camping safe again. Watch out, as there has been an outbreak of Hockey Stick Shaped Bruises 'round every camping site.

Oh, and we have a pic of him here.
Oh, that's Hockey Stick man's older bro, Jason! He's much more dangerous. And he hunts Happy Campers too! With a machete. Sorry. I thought that was him. They both have the same mother though. Although Hockey Mask man was not deformed.

Oh, and a few hours after Hockey Mask Man was born, his mother was killed! Horray. After that, Jason cherished what was remaining of his mom. Or, what he wanted! He has a whole collection of heads!

After Hockey Mask Man turned a day old, he seemed to have a disorder. He was already a teen. His disorder was instantly-turning-mature disorder. So Jason and Hockey are so far apart.

Hockey Mask Man has a real name you know! Hockey Vorehees. Hockey Mask Man also knows mercy, but he just does it so he can be like his big brudder.

All you must do to stop Hockey Mask Man's Mass Murder Spree:

1. Walk up to him.

2. Scold him.

3. He will cry.

4. He will promise never to do it again.

You are not safe in camping unless you're good at scolding!

Hockey Mask man looks like a day-old corpse because he's always invited to the parties under the lake. He gets very dirty there. Lucky for him he can breathe underwater!

If we could just remove his hockey mask and wash him off with a hose, he could become a normal dude (after a bit of schoolin')!

So save the happy campers!

But wait, they have a third bro! But this one is righteous and pixellated! 
And he can turn into a mutant. Pretty kewl.

Oh, I can't take this anymore. I haven't even written about LoL!

Well, bad news, my AFK level is now one! And all I had to do was go to the toilet!

This is why I want DOTA 2 to become free. LoL is just too unfair.

Would you like to hear my version of one of their quotes?

78% of players punished by the Tribunal improve their behavior... because they move on. They begin to play a better game, and that game is called DOTA 2! In LoL you might get banned for becoming AFK or leaving the server, even permabanned! But DOTA 2 is nicer. It just puts you in a quarantine with other trolls for 24 hours or so. So no banning.

So I watched about 1/2 of the Tintin movie. Was pretty good. Except that Haddock kept getting drunk.

So guess what Champ I shall get next?
Kha'Zix Render  
Yep, our good ol' friend Kha'zix. He can evolve! As Kha'zix himself says: 
"Chaaange... is gooooood......"
But he'll take a whole lotta work to get. Just you wait! I WILL GET THIS FELLER!
He's an assassin, and a good one at that. He's also a Jungler, which means that I can take on the Dragon alone later in the game.
Okay... Se you guys later!

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