Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Woo meet the pyro! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! I like meet the pyro. It's weird. You should watch it.
Creepy. I don't like the vid. It's weird. And creepy. You know how I feel right now. My steam isn't working, and that's a bummer, because if I don't get it working before next thursday, I don't get my vintage pyrovision glasses. I NEED THIS. My first vintage item. Please, I pray to god that I get this item. Because I like items.
ITEMS! ITEMS! ITEMS! I like items. Need to download this now. NOW! NOW! NOW! Can't be late. I know that I got more than 1 week, but if this dang problem keeps on, I think that I'll have to go to Gabe and give him a piece of my mind. Heh, Gabe, he likes hamburgers. TF2 is the most updated thing ever known. I need to know, WHY IS MY STEAM NOT WORKING. OK, calm down. How big is this update? 5000 TBS?! "Faints" I don't think so, but that's how it feels. I NEED THIS. NEED THIS. NOW. Dammit Dammit Dammit Dammit Dammit! As the engie says. Whyyyyy! Why must you be so terrible! I wonder if F2Ps will get these glasses too? That's another question. Another question to forever ponder about. I want these goggles. I also want these new weapons. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Help! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Pyro is evil. Heavy gets an axe in the face, scout gets flaregunned, sniper gets burnt to a crisp, medic gets trapped in a burning barn. Even his teammates comment on how creepy this guy is.
Heavy: I fear no man. But that thing... It scares me.
Scout: No, I, I aint, I ain't talking about that freak. All right?
Scout: He's not here, is she?
Scout:How do I get this ****** thing off?!
Spy: One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask...
Spy: ...what dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty?
 Those are the words they say.
Have you watched the video yet? Don't read this part until you watched the video.

Did you like the fluffy clouds and everything? Weird huh. I don't like that. Pyrovision glasses let you see into the pyro world. LOL. When does the update start? I wonder if it already started? OH NO! Must get update started! YAY! I like the update. I wonder if pyro will now see through pyrovision? LOL?! Not really.
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol is really hard to make! First, you need the winger! AND MAD MILK! AND RECLAIMED METAL! And I don't have any one of those 3 ingredients.

1 comment:

  1. If anyone would leave a comment, that would make me pretty happy. Huh? This is the most viewed post, ya know.
