Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday Tiem

Sometimes I dream about cheese. Wait? We're on air? Darnit better get my script ready and........
This Thursday, I got the degreaser. That thing is hot. I mean, it will burn any spy into a nice crisp French Fry, If you know what I mean. LOL. I got all the awesome mods that I need. The turret mod was amazing! It launched TNT towards a huge statue. It can also be mounted on chest carts. I destroyed Dr Zombie Pigman's giant robot. LOL. Anyone for a laugh? The robot looked like some skeletal chicken made out of nether brick. The Zombie Pigman survived the barrage of TNT that I shot at him. He's still alive and walking now. Minecraft is awesome. You can also launch cannonballs from the turret. Which is pretty awesome.
There are 3 cannonballs. Normal, Piercing, and Napalm. Normal just goes through blocks. Piercing destroys more blocks than normal. And Napalm is very bouncy, plus, it is very good against wooden buildings.
Do you want this mod? Well search for it, lazy. I've given you too many links already. LOL.
I want more mobs! MORE MOBS! Please. That would be cool. Like, you could trade around with merchants or something. Woo and bye.

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