Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Advanced RIG

Scorpion Suit RIG.png
Scorpion Level Engineering RIG.
Maybe I should get this new game! Dead Space. Actually, forget that. OMG that game is horrifying. Especially the ending. But the RIGs are cool. RIG stands for Resource Integration Gear. There are pictures of my favorite RIGs all around this post. Plus some pictures of the enemies. They're horrifying so I'll only show you the least scary ones. The one on the side of this blog, yes the red one, is the Scorpion Level Engineering RIG, or the Scorpion Suit for short. Down near the bottom, yes, the thing with the big teeth, is called the brute. The only thing that scares me about it is that it's composed of lots of corpses. Well, duh. The enemies are zombies. And that one down there is only the least horrifying. Well, not really. I bet you won't be horrified of the stalkers. See that thing just under the text. Yeah, that slim thing. That's a stalker. There are rumors about how it's made, the best being that it's composed of bovine parts. Their name describes what they do. They stalk you, mostly hiding behind boxes. That explains the boxes behind him. He normally tries to hit you while you aren't looking. Just like the Augrian Cave Demon from SS3-BFE. Warning: this game is not for the faint of heart. If a stalker pounces on you and downs you, and you fail to fight it back, it will rip off the offending appendage and headbutt you until you're unconscious. And then drag you into a dark corner.
The brute's death scene is much more gory. It's hard to describe. Oh wait. It's easy to describe. It rips all your appendages. By flailing you all around the place. I don't think you want to see that, do you. Of course not. But if you do, just go to the wiki. The scary thing about this game is not the monsters, but Space. No one can hear you scream up there. Please, if you want to play awesome scary games that aren't this gory, stick to Amnesia-The Dark Descent. That game isn't gory but the monsters are horrifying. It actually isn't their looks, it's that you have to hide from them. The only way to kill them is to lead them off a cliff. It takes place in a castle, so there aren't many cliffs. So if you're that kind of person that just charges into battle, this game isn't for you. Faint of heart and like to charge into battle? Then please stick to Call Of Duty. Like I do.
Stalker4 DS2.jpg
Brute DS2.jpg

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