Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Blues.

I hate mondays. Especially this one. So many bad things happened to me today. I just kept getting PWNED by enemy players in TF2, and then I decided to do something else. After that, I lost that game so much that I Rage Quitted. I am downloading a new game called Fallen Earth. Why am I even downloading it? It sounds like it sucks. In fact, all the games I did today sucked because I kept losing. Today was the most negative day of the week. NEGATIVE. I need at least 1 positive Monday! ONCE! Oh forget it, this week just turned out bad. Whatever, at least I have next week to look up to. Well, at least the Pyromania update starts today. That's lucky. And good. I love pyromania. Woo meet the pyro! But why does it have to be at the one of the worst weeks that I had? I have a lot of bad weeks, this is just one of them. I've had worse. Don't worry about me. It's just that today sucked. You don't need to care. I should be better tomorrow. Also, people keep stealing fruits from our tree. They don't even care that it's ours. I think that they should pick from that fruit tree over my road. Oh wait, it fell over. Darn storm, always tipping trees over. It tipped my fave tree over too. I guess today was just bad because it was cloudy. Cloudly days normally signify a terrible time.
By the way, I'm writing this at tuesday. And I still got the blues. But I should be better at wednesday. Probably. Or I'm just in a bad mood now because of all my terrible injuries. I went on a hike on saturday, and then I bumped into a vine that coincidentally had lots of thorns that were as sharp as glass. They jammed into my skin and broke off just there. It was terrible. I had to take them out 1 by 1. Oh Akatosh why.
After that, I got bitten by a few insects. And after that a little twig scratched me right down my leg.
Whoa, this blog is so long because I'm writing about so many negative things. Guess I'll write about positive things now.

 I did another ZF map. Actually, I did a lot. My brother battled Christian Brutal Sniper in a VSH map. He was really like the Gmod character. He uses a huntsman and a bunch of kukris. The kukris I saw were the Tribalman's Shiv and the Shashanah. If you could get the tribalman's shiv through achievements, that would be good. By the way, in the pyromania update, they have announced a new map and a new game mode! Whoever doesn't have TF2 right now, get it now! A major update is starting! And it is Big!

Whoa, that's all the positive stuff I can write? Pretty terrible. Boo. Today really must have been a negative week! At least the pyromania update is starting. Woo! Woo! Woo! Yes Yes Yes! WOOOOOOOO!

The new map announced is Doomsday. You launch a rocket full of australium to Poopy Joe's rocket.
Nuff' Said. The map should be cool, and I think a lot of fan made maps will now be based on it.

I vote for new pyro weps! 4 Flamethrowers is not enough! 1 more set for the pyro! Vote in the comments, although you never do!

I think this new update is cool. I just hope, hope in my heart that this is gonna be great. If it isn't, I will walk right up to Mr Newell and give him a good slap.

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