Monday, June 4, 2012


I just cut a popsicle stick in half with a papercutter. Really. Oh, wait, director? That wasn't in the script? Ok, give me the script. Ok. Sorry about that. TF2 is pretty cool. I'm gonna try to get the Grordbort sets for the soldier, pyro and engineer. The cheapest way to get them is to buy the Dr Grordbort's Victory Pack and The Dr Grordbort's Moonbrain Pack. I wish all 3 sets could be put in one pack. But the Victory Pack is the only one that isn't combined with the other packs. The other 2 sets are combined into 1 pack. The Moonbrain pack. It consists of the Dr Grordbort Brainiac set and the Dr Grordbort Moonman set. Here are pics of all 3 sets. They should be right under all this text. I will also get the another Christmas set (Yes, the Grordbort sets are from the Christmas update. Well, except for the victory pack. That was included in the Dr Grordbort's Victory Pack update.) called Santa's Little Accomplice. Sounds evil huh? And creepy. Basically, it's the scout with an elf suit on, using wrapping paper as a weapon.

The Moonman Pack.png
Dr Grordbort's Moonman Set with Phlogistinator Equipped
Brainiac Pack.png
Dr Grordbort's Brainiac Set with Eureka Effect Equipped
Soldier Grordbort Victory Set.png
Dr Grordbort's Victory Set with Righteous Bison Equipped        

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