Monday, June 18, 2012

Lawl Mondoy

Today, I traded my Brass Beast for 2 mediguns! The quick fix and the Kritz. The guy who gave me them was so generous. I also finally got a friend in steam! Flamezrock. That's his name! I am called The1337Demigod, Demi for short. Lawl. Lawl Indeed. I can haz Eureka Effect?
Pls. I really want the Braniac set for the engie. If any of u can help, that would be great. Pls help.
That is pretty much everything that happened to me on this day. Pretty boring huh? I wish there were more things you could do. By the way, I'm trapped in a prison in solitude. I went right in front of general tullius and he did not even care one bit. I wonder what happens when you go in front of tullius when you join the stormcloaks? You'd probably be dead soon enough. Probably. I wish Skyrim wasn't so boring. Now it is again. I need a new game. Probably one of the FPS sort. Fallout fo' sure. For sure. Yep, i'm sure. I wonder what I should look like? Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 3. Choose pls. Maybe I should get S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl. Probably. Because that game is pretty awesome. Burers are the creepiest pplz in the land of Chernobyl. They make childish sounds to lure you in, and then they strike! Snorks are also pretty scary. Bloodsuckers are just weird. Bye.

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