Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Infiltrator is hard.

Well, I used the Infiltrator. Turned out to be a big bag of HARD. But, when I found out his Silenced SMG was da bomb, I was all like "I guess this is it, just me, my eagle gauntlet, and- OH, HEY A SMG! You'll be my new best friend, I'll call you BOOMSTICK MCSHOOTINGTON!"
And then I look all like this.
Yep, true. BTW, this is from an Ipad app. If you have an Ipad, you can download it here!
                                                                                                                Battle Bears -1
What class shall I buy next? Decisions decisions. But you could decide for me! Choose from these 3 classes, and tell me which one is the best! I might choose on my own. But you can try to get a good suggestion!
Raider. Uses Grenade Launcher and NJ4 SMG. Costs: 18000 XP
Brute. Uses Heavy Spinfusor and Automatic Shotgun. Costs: 18000 XP
Sentinel. Uses BXT1 Sniper Rifle and Nova Blaster. Costs: 7200 XP

These are your 3 choices! Tell me in the comments if you like one of the classes!

Now how you should use these classes. The Brutes are best for tanking the enemy base, with their Heavy Spinfusor. The Heavy Spinfusor does a whole lotta damage. And they're pretty tough too. Taking a huge amount of damage is the brute's specialty.

Raiders can devastate an enemy base. They use explosive weapons that can destroy turrets and vehicles. Their NJ4 SMG is also good. It's a good last resort in case you run out of ammo.

Sentinels, their name pretty much describes themselves. They are much better for defense. Just stay in a place where enemies can't find you. Even better, place a Jammer so you won't appear on the enemies HUD.
With this tactic, you'll be shootin' heads off in no time.


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