Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A ZOMBIE IS BEHIND YOU! If that scared you, then this post is going to kill you.

Do you like scary games? Halloween's over, but that doesn't mean that I can talk about my favorite scary games! So if it's night, dim your lights. If it's day, stop reading now and wait until nightfall.

So, the first game who went and answered your scary game audition is Amnesia: The Dark Descent. WooOOOooooo.... Spooky.
So, for you newcomers, Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a survival horror game. Except it puts the SURVIVAL in survival horror. Because you have no weapons. The only weapon you have is your hiding skills. You play as this guy called Daniel, BTW you're in 1839, and you have to get out of the weird castle that you woke up in! You regain your memory later, you actually drank a memory-wipe potion. And then you try to get out! Forgot to tell you, in the middle of the game you find a half-dead tortured guy. And he looks messed up.
Hope you read the title first, scaredy cat. Because you won't be able to handle the NEXT game! By the way, this guy is called Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa! Long name, dude.

Next up, we have the most mentally disturbing game known to man, and it is set in the place where no one can hear you scream. In space. Obvious. And the game is called Dead Space. Obvious.
So you're this guy called Issac Clarke. And you get a distress call from a ship called the Ishmura. By the way, a guy made a FULL SCALE MODEL of the Ishmura in minecraft. Pretty rad eh? So, after you get the distress call, you start to dock. And then you get ready for entry. And then you find out that the distress call got you in a big steaming pile of crap. Because your spaceship gets invaded by the horror that invaded the ship. The Necromorphs. And the rest is history.

Side note: Mr Clarke's GF was on the exact ship. And then you find out that SPOILER BLOCKER!

So, the final game is pretty much the only one I played. For about 2 minutes, until I quit from scariness.
The game is called SLENDER.
So you probably know Slenderman. Greeted him, shook hands with him, and let him suck out all of your life force. Well, he's in this game. And he stalks you. Until you find 8 pages with pictures of him drawn on them. Seriously, who was the guy who wrote those? After you collect those, you SPOILER BLOCKER!

Side note: You might be a little girl, this is likely.

So, goodbye horror fiends!

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