Monday, November 26, 2012

Tribes:Ascend Continuation!

Well, I had fun. I beat the record of the most kills in this household. The previous record was 0. LOL. My brothers just couldn't kill anybody. But what can I say, it's a fast paced game. It must have been hard for them. But not for me! I got like 20 kills! It's really easy, just use your best weapons.
BTW, almost got the assassin. Well, that's not his proper name, I just call him that. He's pretty awesome, he's got some silenced weapons. Those silenced weapons are essential if you are to be killing people.
The SN7 Silenced Pistol is awesome. It shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger. Which, for my mouse, would be 1,543,432 bullets per second.
Now that's a beaut. You know what it's called? The Stealth Spinfusor. It shoots discs at the enemy! Which EXPLODE! And the bad guys are all like LOLWUT?
But if you are to play as an Infiltrator, you must use this SMG. The Rhino SMG. It's one of the best weapons, as it does a lot of damage in one hit. It also is silenced.

I almost got enough XP to buy this guy, just a teeny... tiny..... little more.

But the weapons will be harder to buy! Shazbot!
Infiltrator Ratings.png
The Stats, they look good! This guy is an anti-armor pro! And he's fast!

Backstabbing is not his main way of killing. His main way of killing? Explosions! Kaboom! If I were to compare this guy to a class from TF2, then I'd say a mix of Demoman and Spy.

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