Thursday, November 8, 2012

Coliseum, bros trolling me and more skins!

So, my little bros and I played a coliseum map not long ago. It was pretty fun, and I got a few bones! And then I tried taming a wolf. And then my medium-sized (he's for sale now, $99.95. Nah JK) bro killed my wolf! HE ONLY HAD A FEW SECONDS OF LIFE AS MY PET! And that's when I got mad. I went on a rampage and killed everything I saw. And then I challenged him to a fist battle, which he cheated in, because of his godly gold armor. Well, after that I left. And then I came back, fully loaded with enchanted diamond armor and a diamond sword. I pwned my bro 2 times. And then he got really mad (that sore loser) and would not give up the throne. Then I pwned my other bro. Well, I didn't kill him, I threw him into a lava pit. And he got out and threatened to kill me. Well Mr. Hey I'm The Emperor Im Soooo Important stopped us.
He ruined all the fun. And then he called me a sociopath. Seriously? Boo. Just Boo. 

Well, that's my story in the coliseum map. You got my side of the story. I'm the good guy, man! He killed my dog!

Ok, so more TF2 skins as a big Thank You for reading my side of the story!
 Well, today you're in for a special no free2play edition! Because all of these skins are for hats!
 I used to have this hat, until I traded it away. Well, now for you lucky owners, you can get this TRON FORTRESS skin for the hat! What's that? I can hear you squealing? Thank you for your appreciation, amigo. TRON FORTRESS SCARECROW!
Yeah, you guys seem chilly out there in the cold. Brace Yourselves, Winter Is Coming. So, exactly for your new occasion, I give you, my favorite skin for the Scout! The Hardballer's Hoodie. Hoodie!
 This is the Flesh Would, a bandage hat for the soldier. It looks like a pretty bad flesh wound, don't ya think?
Don't worry man, it's just a flesh wound.
Heavy is bloodseeker! Is greatest moment of Heavy's life!
Bloodseeker helmet

Sank You for coming and goodbye.

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