Monday, April 9, 2012

My 5 Day Weekend

On my 5 day weekend, I played a LOT of games. I played Call Of Duty 6 and 8 Aka Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3. I also played Team Fortress 2. Soooo many games. I also had 2 sleepovers, one right after the other, at my other friends house. His house is at Triboa Bay AKA somewhere in the Philippines. Oh and by the way have you heard about Yujin's Blog? I follow that blog because he's my first friend. My other friend has a Facebook. Do you want to follow Yujin's Blog? Of course you don't. But if you change your mind click on this link.
 Nobody follows my blog. "snif."  Maybe you wanna follow Hans' Blog? Haha... I heard you. Nope, right! Or did you say yes? If you did, click on this link!
Follow My Blog. Now. I command you! Do it. Yoou knoow yooou waaant toooooo.

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