Monday, April 2, 2012

Guess what? Moooooonday.

On Monday, I did lots of stuff. I finally got a new skin for my Iron Curtain. It's an HD version! I am into making balloon animals too. I made 1 dog, 1 chihuahua and 1 giraffe on that day. The dog is a balloon dog. The chihuahua is a very short balloon dog. The giraffe is based on a balloon dog with a long neck. I found a good design for my Heavy Weapons Guy that day. Primary Weapon: Iron Curtain-Secondary Weapon: Family Business-Melee Weapon:Fists-Hat: Bill's Hat-Misc: Security Shades or any of these badges:Primeval Warrior,Grizzled Veteran,Soldier Of Fortune or Mercenary. For my Scout I used this set : Primary Weapon:Force Of Nature-Secondary Weapon:Pistol-Bat:Sandman-Hat:Troublemakers Tossle Cap-Misc:Earbuds or Sign Of The Wolf's School. My Spy's Set!: Primary Weapon:L'etranger-Knife:Your Eternal Reward-Hat:Cosa Nostra Cap-Misc:Rogue's Col Roque. Is That Enough, Yes? Even if you said no, OK.

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