Randomness, Games and my Daily Life will be written about in this blog. Read it!
Read it on the crapper! Read it on the shitter! Wait, they're the same thing. Whatever. Are you still reading this? Wow. Can't you just read the post already, I post a lot more than the average blogger. You see those losers, with small blogs with only 2 to 3 posts on them >:) Huehuehuehue!
Wait! Hue is for LoL. Now stop reading. No? Ok, that's a little creepy. Ok.... I'm gonna stop typing now.
Well, I used the Infiltrator. Turned out to be a big bag of HARD. But, when I found out his Silenced SMG was da bomb, I was all like "I guess this is it, just me, my eagle gauntlet, and- OH, HEY A SMG! You'll be my new best friend, I'll call you BOOMSTICK MCSHOOTINGTON!"
And then I look all like this.
Yep, true. BTW, this is from an Ipad app. If you have an Ipad, you can download it here! Battle Bears -1
What class shall I buy next? Decisions decisions. But you could decide for me! Choose from these 3 classes, and tell me which one is the best! I might choose on my own. But you can try to get a good suggestion!
Raider. Uses Grenade Launcher and NJ4 SMG. Costs: 18000 XP
Brute. Uses Heavy Spinfusor and Automatic Shotgun. Costs: 18000 XP
Sentinel. Uses BXT1 Sniper Rifle and Nova Blaster. Costs: 7200 XP
These are your 3 choices! Tell me in the comments if you like one of the classes!
Now how you should use these classes. The Brutes are best for tanking the enemy base, with their Heavy Spinfusor. The Heavy Spinfusor does a whole lotta damage. And they're pretty tough too. Taking a huge amount of damage is the brute's specialty.
Raiders can devastate an enemy base. They use explosive weapons that can destroy turrets and vehicles. Their NJ4 SMG is also good. It's a good last resort in case you run out of ammo.
Sentinels, their name pretty much describes themselves. They are much better for defense. Just stay in a place where enemies can't find you. Even better, place a Jammer so you won't appear on the enemies HUD.
With this tactic, you'll be shootin' heads off in no time.
Well, I had fun. I beat the record of the most kills in this household. The previous record was 0. LOL. My brothers just couldn't kill anybody. But what can I say, it's a fast paced game. It must have been hard for them. But not for me! I got like 20 kills! It's really easy, just use your best weapons.
BTW, almost got the assassin. Well, that's not his proper name, I just call him that. He's pretty awesome, he's got some silenced weapons. Those silenced weapons are essential if you are to be killing people.
The SN7 Silenced Pistol is awesome. It shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger. Which, for my mouse, would be 1,543,432 bullets per second.
Now that's a beaut. You know what it's called? The Stealth Spinfusor. It shoots discs at the enemy! Which EXPLODE! And the bad guys are all like LOLWUT?
But if you are to play as an Infiltrator, you must use this SMG. The Rhino SMG. It's one of the best weapons, as it does a lot of damage in one hit. It also is silenced.
I almost got enough XP to buy this guy, just a teeny... tiny..... little more.
But the weapons will be harder to buy! Shazbot!
The Stats, they look good! This guy is an anti-armor pro! And he's fast!
Backstabbing is not his main way of killing. His main way of killing? Explosions! Kaboom! If I were to compare this guy to a class from TF2, then I'd say a mix of Demoman and Spy.
I've checked out Tribes:Ascend and it was a pretty good game. I'm looking forward to playing it, but here's all I know.
This class is pretty easy to use. You just fly around and shoot people with your guns n' stuff!
Assault Rifles are good, but you need a pistol for backup. Bang Bang.
If you're new to this game, then you definitely thought that this game would be about ancient tribes fighting each other, amirite? WRONG! These are futuristic tribes fighting each other, and they got jetpacks. They also ski with their boots. Pretty neat, right?
So, you planning on playing this game?
Rule 1: Don't download it on steam. It's gonna take forever for it to verify.
Rule 2: Classes have difficulties, use the class with the least difficulty. (Like the class pictured above.)
Those are the 2 rules that you must know.
Oh, and you'll need a tutorial on classes too. And the teams.
These are the Diamond Swords. They are the mortal enemies of......
The Blood Eagles.
So, there are 3 starting classes. You gotta buy the others with XP or Gold.
These are the 3 starting classes for the Diamond Swords!
And the 3 starting classes for the Blood Eagles, in all their glory! They're my favorite team, you know.
There are lots of different classes. If you're going to play Tribes:Ascend, you need to know the classes.
Next, I'll describe the starting classes with more accuracy.
These are the Pathfinders, Tribe's equivalent to Scouts from TF2.
They run super fast. But before you play as them, you must know their stats.
So, there you go! They're not so tough. But they're super fast! Difficulty:Hard
You've already met these guys, the Soldiers.
If they were an equivalent of anything, I'd say the Soldier from TF2.
These guys are balanced. Difficulty:Hellish Easy
The Juggernauts are good. Too good. They got it all, toughness, durability, that kind of stuff. The only thing bad is the speed.
These guys are better at tanking. Difficulty:Hard
Yesterday was a big day! I've been buying crystal energy, and I got some good armor. Good for adventuring in the clockworks. I wasted all my energy for this baby! Check it out.
Yep, this stuff is fancy shiet. You want some? Well you gotta get the recipe, and then you gotta build up 200, yeah I said it right, 200 crystal energy! And then, once you craft this fancy, comfy, 3 star baby, you can adventure around the clockworks in style!
I don't have the helmet, but the 2 star helmet and the 3 star helmet don't have any difference other than color.
Not much difference, except the shininess. You see, they probably use the same armor model. Well, actually the body armor does, but the design is so much better. Before I even start to throw a few punches at the Roarmulus Twins, I gotta upgrade every piece of my armor to 3 star, including my defender. I also need a 3 star sword and a 3 star blaster.
After I get all the stuff I need, The Roarmulus Twins are going down! Down, underground with a 3 star pound.
I would have never been able to defeat these guys without my 2 star armor. Boy were they hard. They were like "Freeze you criminal scum"
Of course, they froze me. And it hurt.
The Leviathan Blade is amazing! It rains down death-bringing damage onto their enemies!
So, there are gonna be relations in this post! Spiral Knights enemies and enemies from other games! They gotta look similar or have a similar name. BTW, Maulos has a different challenger, a challenger for different name! Stay tuned everybody!
Good to be in a tropical place, eh readers? Drinking from a coconut as I type! FROM MY GARDEN!
I'd describe the taste as ground up tasteless oranges with a pinch of salt! Trust me, it tastes better than you think.
Well, I was going to talk about SK, wasn't I? Well, here we go! I fought some jellies, and here are some rules! Rule 1: Lichens should not be allowed to connect! If they even try one bit, kill them. And kill them. If they grow into a Lichen colony, then you're in for some real sh*t, because they throw thorns!
And then, here comes the worst part...... GIANT LICHEN COLONY!
If more Lichens combine to make this ugly fella, then you're gonna die. Horribly. Unless you defend yourself, the harder alternative.
Rule 2: Polyps are also annoying.
If you know about Quicksilvers, then you know about this type of Polyp.
Of course, the Royal Jelly has it's defenders! This is a state-of-the-art, Royal Polyp! I've heard that it contains the best of the Royal Cores in the Jelly army!
This is a Royal Core. Compared to other cores, this is the more royal kind!
Normal Jelly Cores look more inferior. As inferior as an inferior buttcheek.
So, I defeated Royal Jelly with shadow weapons. A shadow bomb and a shadow gun. Of course, I had a team. Probably the most useful player was a guy with 5* everything!
So you know what I'm aiming for, I'm aiming for good armor! So, I'm gonna try to craft the Azure Guardian armor. The hardest part? Getting the energy. I need to build up 800, that's right, 800 energy to craft it! That's the hardest part.
There's also this one material. I only have to get 1. But, there's a catch! A damn catch!
It's hard to get. SUN SILVER!
FFFUUUUU SUN SILVER! You see why I hate it?
You will get it as a reward in a later mission...... AFTER YOUR 5 STAR CERTIFICATION!
Oh, and pets. Pets Pets Pets. I need pets. I'm going for the Mewkat Baby, it's cute. I need accessories, lots of accessories. I'm putting accessories everywhere possible. A scarf for my helmet, a pet pocket for my chest, and I have to search for more accessories later.
Mewkat Pocket
So, about project R. It stands for Project Roarmulus! You remember the good ol' Roarmulus Twins? Well, they're here!
I just made this post, and this is crazy, but the post has ended, so stop reading maybe?
Well, I was just around, fighting some monsters, crashing Devilite office parties.
Note: These guys don't attack. But they can get annoying. Because they're all like "Somebody's getting a promotion." You can really get sick of that because they turn this......
Into this.
And I was just having some fun! I also went to some haunted houses, investigating the hauntings!
Also, these Grimalkins are very annoying, as they can go through walls. And they're invincible.
The only thing that can defeat them is LIGHT!
Yeah, and I completed all of those missions. Now, this is the weirdest, WIERDEST part.
I started 5-2. And then I got told this story about ROYAL JELLY. WTF is that?
I checked the wiki. And It looked exactly like the Ice Queen! But you'll think it looks weird.
3. 2. 1.
See? It's the weirdest thing in the universe! Thank god it tastes good.
So, after this, you might think "Yay its all over!"
But think again! Gremlins are planning on destroying haven!
You must destroy their precious Project R!
I'll be onto that Project R later.
So, the royal jelly is susceptible to shadow attacks! Good thing I have a Shadowtech Alchemizer.
So, what's a shadowtech alchemizer exactly? Well, its a gun that shoots shadow bullets, may I say more?
Everybody hates jelly. Hey you! Yeah you tier 1 losers! You see that jelly? That jelly is a 2 star, extra pimped jelly! He's got it all, the girls, the fame and the spike attacks! What do you tier 1 losers get? Only the worst 1 star, no spiked, poor hobo of a jelly!
So, right now I'm in a guild! Happy for me? It's sinned!
Phew, got rid of him. You just use the holy cross.
This is kinda a render of what he looked like.
Okay, so do you remember Dead Space? Well, today's first review is for Dead Space 2! With spoilers.
So you remember Nicole, Issac's GF? Turns out she's dead. Poor Nicky.
But now, poor Issac, because he's hallucinating about Necronicole!
Glowing Eyes included. Huh.
So when you finally get seriously attacked by her, she's all like Moment of truth, Isaac! Who am I? Am I your friend? Your lover? The
one shred; one light; one bright, shining star you clung to in this
Universe? Or am I your guilt? Crushing the life out of you because you
can't get over the fact that I'm dead? That you feel responsible? Who...
am... I?!? Why do you keep fighting me? Why can't you let go? And then Issac's all like Cause you were my everything. And if I let go, I got nothing left.
And then, like a boss, he gets his GF back to normal.
So you think that's the end of this love story? Think again readers, because it doesn't have a happy ending.
So Nicky leads Issac to this eye scanner. This really isn't important. I just like to list it because, if you make one wrong move, a famous death scene in Dead Space 2 ensues. It's also probably the most gruesome. Step one: Crawl inside. Step two: The screws go tight all around. Cross my heart and hope to die... Stick a needle in your eye.
Now isn't that horrible.
So, huzzah huzzah, they got to the marker. But then.....
She tries to suck out all of your life force! TRAITOR!
So then an epic battle ensues. Thank you Isaac. Now... time to die.
- What?
- Yours is the last body we need to be reborn! The makers must be absorbed.
- The makers? You mean me? But Stross said we could destroy the Marker.
- Not if we consume you first!
- Goddamit. I trusted you! F**k you... and f**k your Marker! This conversation explains everything. So read it! Friendly censors added by me!
This is part of the epic battle. So, you know Necronicole right? Well, now she's worse. She can kill you by screaming in your face. Of course, this is all just a hallucination. Nicole's dead. She always was. So in real life, if you let her do this, you'll raise your javelin gun up to your face.... And, you guessed it, shoot a round into your puny head. Your head's like butter to this weapon. So, it gets stabbed into your face. Oh the agony. But you aren't gonna let that happen, are you? So, there is something very,very important that you must do now.
Well, before this last bit you have to take care of this last guy.
Who coincidentally has the same name as my little brother.
He's Hans Tiedmann.
There are so many choices to kill this guy, but first, the battle. He shoots 2 bullets into you. You take them out. You kick the weapon out of his hand and shoot him back. He's all like "Noo my blood"
So, you can end Hans' agony by electrocuting him or shooting his head off ninja style.
Or you could let him die.
There's still one last last trial against the ubermorph.
And yes, he is huge.
And these 3 trials are all packed into 1 last level!
The name? IT ENDS HERE.
So enough Dead Space 2 talk, I've traumatized you enough.
Instead, let us move! Onto another scary game.
This game has 2 names. My favorite name for it is Project 0.
So the creepiness of it. Japanese Ghosts. May I say more?
Way to defeat these ugly fellas? Take a picture! Lots of pictures! You have a magic camera. So don't run out of film! BTW, this is from the third installment in the series. There are 4 in all.
There's an infamous mirror scene. It has what is considered the creepiest ghost of all time!
So you just see a mirror. And then you decide to take a picture for no apparent reason!
Hey, how's it going! I'm gonna suck out your soul. OK, we're good.
Smile for the camera, kids! FOR IT WILL BE YOUR DEMISE!
And that lady up there is why I am now scared of mirrors. But I have a Desert Eagle. That should hold them off. Nah, it's just a BB replica.