Monday, August 6, 2012


Slenderman is watching me. WATCHING ME! Well duh, it's raining. And it's dark around here.
He has a good buddy called the Enderman. Enderman lives in the ender, Slenderman lives in the everfree fores- Wait, what?

OK, I lied to you back there. Slenderman lives: Everywhere.

My baloney has a first name, it's H-O-M-E-R,
My baloney has a second name, it's H-O-M-E-R....

That is the baloney song.

Slenderman is just soooooo creepy that I can't post pictures of him here.
 The Slender Man by Pirate Cashoo.jpg
 Happy now?! NO MORE!
Do you see him? In the background? Creepy.

Best to stay away from him. He's a business man. He does lots of business with a lot of other apparitions.
 That symbol is also creepy. Religious people devoted to the Slenderman carve it into their skin, to show their loyalty.

He might be real. MIGHT. Or maybe not.

The Slender Man Poem.

Oh, should I travel through the woods

Or should I not wishing I would

For above me lurks within the trees

No one could hear my deathly screams

The palest man, the blackest suit

Bigger than the tallest brute

Six black arms will grab you up

Or, stalk you till you just give up

A top hat bares upon his head

Makes your soul fill up with dread

He takes you when you least expect

Boil you up, and eat your neck

He’ll leave your body not to eat

But staple your corpse on a tree

Fear the man, the slender man

For he can do, what no one can.

Creepy. Just creepy. He will normally just suck up your life force and kill you from the inside.

I woke up at about 3 in the morning to a really creepy noise. First thing I saw was that symbol up there. Written on paper.


I like to get to the bottom of myths like this. Next up is THE RAKE. After that, you won't be seeing any more mythical blogs, 'cause there is nothing more to write about.

There is also a game called slender. You can download it. If you want to. Got a link to it right here!

Finally, a portrait. Before I go.
 There, and now our studying of the slenderman is over. Goodbye. Rake is next. Have fun waiting. Remember, the slenderman is watching.

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