Thursday, August 23, 2012


Item #: SCP-100
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-100 is to be kept in the center of a standard containment chamber with an area of 7x5 meters. SCP-100's door must be kept locked at all times. No personnel other than D-class are permitted to enter SCP-100 by themselves. Non D-Class personnel entering SCP-100 must not close the door, and are required to enter and leave the object in groups of at least two. Any media, such as photography or video, taken within SCP-100 must be analyzed by at least two personnel simultaneously.
Description: SCP-100 is a blue portable sanitation unit, manufactured sometime before 1999. It has a length/width of ~1m, and is ~2.3m tall. SCP-100 has the property of attracting people within a radius of 20-45 meters, and compelling them to enter it. SCP-100 will only attract one person at a time. When a person enters SCP-100 and allows the door to close behind them, the door will become impossible to open for at least 30 minutes. During this time, the person within SCP-100 will experience vivid visual and auditory hallucinations. After this period passes, the person will be ejected from SCP-100. Persons who are coherent following this event will describe it as "the worst thing in the world". Attempts to elicit more information have met with failure, as victims of SCP-100 will only repeat this phrase when questioned.
When SCP-100 is viewed by multiple persons from the outside, and with the door open, it appears to contain one toilet and a paper towel rack. If two or more persons enter SCP-100 when its door is closed, the inner area increases to 100x200 meters. In this state, it appears as a nondescript, completely empty white room. Photographic and video footage taken within the interior of SCP-100 corroborate with this observation when viewed by two or more persons. However, if only one person sees material relating to the inside of SCP-100, the viewer will display syptoms similar to those of a person who has experienced the SCP-100 activation event. This experience has been shown to cause the same amount psychological and emotional distress in the viewer, even if the person only viewed an image momentarily.
SCP-100 was discovered on 9/18/2002, when an unidentified man (hereafter referred to as "the victim") who was attending a music festival, attempted to utillize it. When the victim entered SCP-100, it became active and he was unable to exit for 30 minutes. After being ejected from SCP-100, he was highly agitated and attempted to assault other festival attendees. The victim was arrested, and became unusually depressed and withdrawn while in custody. When he was asked about what he saw inside of SCP-100, he became upset, and began loudly professing his view that he had "seen the worst thing in the world" inside of SCP-100. Several similar cases were reported at the festival over the next three weeks, which led to the object being recovered by the Foundation.

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