Sunday, August 19, 2012


My first misc! Got it by trade!

Silver Bullets.png
                Silver Bullets
 Need to find the whole set. The next 2 things I need are the Holy Hunter and the Garlic Flank Stake.
                          Holy Hunter
Garlic Flank Stake.png
               Garlic Flank Stake

My first hint of the Mann Vs Machine Update was the mysterious robot heads in source filmmaker.

Here are pics of ROBOTS!
Scout Robot
Soldier Robot
Pyro Robot
Demoman Robot
Heavy Robot
Medic Robot
Sniper Robot
Spy Robot

These Robots are not on your side. You know that.
They appear in huge waves, and they are just as strong as you. Except the giants, which have about 1000 health, depending on their class.
There are also the tanks. Don't do coal town when you fight tanks. Tanks are hardcore. They have about 20,000 to 30,000 health, and they drop bombs. Nothing can stop them. Just shoot them until they die.
Shoot them with whatever you got. They will fall in time.
I killed a giant with a syringe gun once. It was charging for me, and I was a medic. I decided to fight for my life, and I delivered the final blow to it! Which surprised me.
Don't die when fighting robots. Instead, you should break the fourth wall and get out of there.
For example.
                                   MMMMPH MMMPH   Da. It is going we- ROBOTS! MMMMMMPH!
Translation down here: Hi heavy, how's it going?                              Translation: Im getting outta here!
"Breaks through screen"

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