Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Destroy your enemies with a barrage of rockets! Using the MVM upgraded beggar's bazooka. It shoots 11 rockets at once. And reloads fast! But don't you make a video of that, that's my idea son.
YOU ARE A GOD WITH THIS THING. The only thing you can't destroy is the tank! It can kill giants in 1 barrage. Tried it with the tank. It won't kill it. The Tank still got to the end, even with me shooting it.
Although it can kill a pack of heavies in one barrage. It's a death machine. Puts a new meaning into barrage. I took down a whole wave with it. I WIN. LOL. It's fun. But maybe my upgraded level 3 sentries will destroy everything. Or maybe I should upgrade my heavy! Or Pyro. Or the scout. I can give the scout a new full auto shotty. By the way, right now I am eating Orville Redenbacher's Popcorn LOL.
Tasty. Everybody Lawl now! One of the most Abnormal of all the classes is the Bowman. It can pick up the bomb, unlike other snipers. Maraca Pyros are also dangerous. Bye!

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