Wednesday, August 1, 2012


So, now that I'm back from japan, I better think about things. Like what is the meaning of the universe and stuff. And why is Japan colder than the Philippines? Even though it was summer over there.

When I'm older, I think I should go back to where I was born, to where I belong. JAPAN. I am half Japanese. The other half being New Zealand. Don't expect me to say mate all of the time though. I have an American accent. But I speak more like Wheatley does when he rescues you. So I got more of a mix accent. Not an upper class British accent, luv. Yep, that's their equivalent of mate. Or bud. Or [insert name here] さん.

 By the way, LOL is almost always typed by a person who is not Laughing Out Loud. I wasn't laughing there either.
LOL means: "That's kinda funny, but seriously, you suck at making people laugh."

Anyway, I bet you're here for me talking about my weird life and not my boring origin, so here you go.
Went to my new friend's house. My old friend abandoned me against his will. Some Parents ruin everything, amirite?
My new friend is (drum roll) my brother's friend! I asked him if I could borrow his friendship. Me: "Will you accept my friendship?" Friend: "Umm, ok. But don't send me to the moon."

By the way, I named this blog Turd-Thursday because I had a pretty bad stomach problem, and the rest was history.

Once, I saw a alicorn engraved in the moon. Jay Kay.

Both the Pegasus and the Unicorn are beautiful creatures. Have you ever wondered what happens when you crossbreed them? You get this unicorn with wings. And we named it an Alicorn.

If I was an alicorn, I'd time travel to 9-11 and gore all the airplanes with my horn. Of course, I would never become one, nor would I want to be one.

Pegasi are for boys, Unicorns are for girls, look it up. Unless the said unicorn is from oblivion. Or if it has pitch black hair with red eyes. Pegasi come in many colors. Generic white, Pink and Yellow, or even rainbows! But the best is black with a red mane. Very rare. Normally they have white eyes. They are normally found around mountains. Usually one.

History lesson is not in session anymore, goodbye.

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