Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Suits In DS3 And Gmod!

In Two More Days, the greatness comes! ANNIVERSARY OF BLOG BEGINNINGS! Although my first post was the worst post ever made. I'm kinda embarrassed about it right now even! (#^_^#).
Okay, but enough chit chat, after a short intermission, we talk about suits!
I'm back! With more awesomeness!
Engineering suit DS3
This is the new suit I got! Great, isn't it? I love it too. Although it may look slightly junky, this thing is an antique of the past, which shows my veteran skillz. I also trekked out my weapons with my new upgrade nodes. Now it can kill an Enhanced Slasher in seconds!

Best 5 themes that hit some parts of my heart with shrapnel?

5: End Credits 2.
It's a great theme which starts kinda like a Japanese guitar but then includes violins. This truly meant something to me when I finished Black Mesa.

4: Estate Betrayal.
Yeah, I know! Call Of Duty IS CRAP! But this song was just one of the best. In another game, this would really mean something. But with the crappy environment of COD, I just can't cry at that part.

3: Vortal Combat.
This hit my heart in an epic way. It got my heart racing like hell, so it's another way of hitting my heart. Unlike the sad songs.


2: Turret Opera.
Spoilers indeed. After finishing Portal 2, I got to see this awesomeness. If you even dared to go past the Spoiler Alert, then get ready for 1!

You guys may not agree with me on this choice, but number 1.....


1: Black Mesa Theme.
Yeah, I know, short and weird, for an action game. But it's kinda sad that all of Gordon's fellow scientists are dying and he's gotta save the world! This song has a special place in my heart.

So that's it! Goodbye!


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