Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Music Is My Only Friend!

I got so much music I'm listening to. They're all pretty good. But most of the music isn't really to my taste.
I like aggressive uptempo music a lot, but I still like a few of those nice soothing tracks.

So indeed, here are some nice, soothing tracks that may or may not have been mentioned in the last few posts.
Unforseen Consequences: After going through the vents and returning the power to the elevator, you get the reward of being able to press the button to make it go down. Not much of a reward, but it helps you continue the story. After the press, you get to listen to this song while whackin' Headcrabs that invade your descent. It's kinda sad and kinda stimulating at the same time.

Office Complex: One of the tracks that didn't make it in :( Still a great track, and I like the sad beat.

End Credits Part 2: O.K, I know I mentioned this one before. But still! I like it, what more is there to say?

There are lots of scary moments in HL, and some unsettling moments. And some exciting scary moments!

Here are the moments that got to the top of my list in the Half-Life series!

Scary: Icthyosaur. 'Nuff Said.

Unsettling: Old Mc'Gordon had a Barn, E I E I OH! And In That Barn He Had An Advisor, E I E I OH! With a "CRACK CRACK" here, and a Cracked Neck there! Here a "CRACK" there a "CRACK" everywhere a "CRACK CRACK"

Exciting Scary: Lowlife Finale! It was quite frightening, once I finally got into the elevator (During which I think one of my lungs popped), I had 3 Zombines and 6 Fast Zombies scratching at the door of the elevator. I got away though.

Has anyone other than me noticed that there are always creepy zombie levels in the HL2 series?

Half Life 2: Ravenholm

Half Life 2-EP1: Lowlife

Half Life 2-EP2: Freeman Pontifex

But after doing these levels once, they're not really scary anymore. I can get through Ravenholm in 20 minutes without flinching!

Lowlife, even the first time, Meh.

Freeman Pontifex had sunlight, but it was still just as scary as Ravenholm. I mean, going through that factory which doubles as your first encounter with Fast Zombie Torsos, I mean, what's worse? Oh right. Dead Space 3.

In Apprehension during that Ichthyosaur part in BMS, I thought: "Ok, this is it. Time to jump in that pool for an insane boss battle. Ok, here I go! AAAAAAAH GET AWA- Oh, you're already dead. Well that was easy."
BMS kinda ruined the panic whenever you meet Ickys!

I stopped playing HL1 right after my third Icky encounter. I was like, OMG, Icky, got no weapons except for grenades and a crowbar, screw this. After about 3 months of building up courage, I threw grenades to weaken it and then pwned it with a crowbar.
I remember my alter ego. I used to be El Groucho!

My brother was El Rotten Tomato.

And my smallest brother was Obstockio.

El Groucho's enemy was El Hitlor.

And Obstockio's enemy was Negastockio!

So while pondering about why our alter egos were weird, go on and scoot!

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