Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Halo Maps!

We need more Halo Maps! Are you a newbie?! TRY THIS NEW MAP!
Yeah, it looks like Hugeass. But it's much more! A training map for marines! Help your fellow marines train while learning something along the way! There are 2 teams of marines, red and blue. Join whichever team you want and fight! Hugeass Dogfight!  

So, you got skills now, recruit? Get into the battlefield! WITH THE ALAMO!
This area is being invaded by covenant, and you must destroy them! Lucky for you, you have marines on your side. Not only marines, but crewmen, ODSTs and FELLOW SPARTANS!
Along with new weapons, this map will test your fighting skills! The Alamo!  

Wow, that's dark. Dark enough for stealth!
 STEALTH V2! Link!!! 

I hope that was enough for you recruits! Good Night Sweet Prince!

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