Monday, December 10, 2012

Dishonored Part Two!
"One of our members risked her life to obtain an internal report from the government, which we will be printing and sharing soon, called "The Exquisite Tallboy," extolling the virtues of this newest member of the City Watch."

What is it about these guys? Is it their stilts? Is is their explosive arrows? Or is it that they're just tall? We will never know, but it's actually pretty easy to kill them.

I will show you the way. In only 3 steps.
  1. Blink up to him.
  2. Stab him in the chest.
  3. Profit! 
So.... use those steps, starting from Lady Boyle's Last Party. Only if you want to kill them though. If you want clean hands, your best bet is to just sneak.

I'm up to The Flooded District. Turns out those Loyalists were (SPOILER ALERT AVERT YOUR EYES)
traitors! But there are 2 enemies that wander the Flooded District. Assassins and Weepers. You could go up the food chain and assassinate the assassins, or you could test your luck on the Weepers. Either way, it's gonna be a long ride.

Next week I shall get Far Cry 3! Maybe. I'll try, so stay tuned fellas! I bet Far Cry 3 will be better than any other game that I've played.

Dishonored will be finished before the end of the week, I promise you. I took the high chaos side, therefore making more weepers. There are now also City Guard weepers too!


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