Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Well that's strange? Or should I say NOTABLY DANGEROUS.

So, yesterday I got 2 strange weapons! The Notably Dangerous Shortstop and The Notably Dangerous Boston Basher. I got them at strange, and then I upgraded them from tiny little Strange Rank to ultimately powerful Notably Dangerous Rank. Here's my backpack for proof! The1337Demigod's Backpack

Next Paragraph! That's right, I write in paragraphs now. What are you going to do about it?
Hale's own is very hard to get. You need a whopping 8,500 kills to get Hale's Own rank.

I only got 135 kills, but that took me about 20 minutes. 1 hour equals 405 kills.
Which means 3 hours probably equals 1215 kills. I need to get 1000 kills by the end of the day, which is going to be hard. But you just gotta try. And I shall!

To get strange weapons easily. 1- Get 3 reclaimed metal. 2- Put into TF2 Warehouse 3- Buy strange weapon for 1900 points 4- ???????? 5- Profit.

And that is how I got to where I am now. With my 2 Notably Dangerous weapons! Hale's Own rank is waiting. Keep the kill ranks up! Time is running out. Gotta kill fast! This blog has to keep going, and my scout has to get more kills. The shortstop is pretty good. By the way, there is a great way to get kills fast!

1- Join server with this map: achievement_idle_noglass

2- Pwn those idlers, just standing there not accomplishing anything.

3- Free Kills!

I call myself the bleeder. The soldier named me. YOU ARE ALL WEAK! YOU ARE ALL BLEEDERS!
Yeah I am. Because I got the Flying Guillotine AND The Boston Basher.

Q-What are you going to do!

A- Run like hell's horses.

Bleed is very bad. The Boston Basher is dangerous, it can kill enemies in about 3 Bonks. Or 2 bonks and a Flying Guillotine in the back. It is also a danger to yourself, because it can bleed you! Hit yourself, idiot.
For those inaccurate dimwits, do not use the boston basher.

By the way, full cream milk is tasty, try some!

The Strange Shortstop seems to get crits often. So does the Strange Boston Basher.
Strange Weapons get crits often!
Can you upgrade strange weapons? If you can, tell me what happens. I will write it in my next post if there are some results!

And this is the end of this post! For the finale, some pictures of the shortstop and the basher.
 The end!

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