Thursday, September 20, 2012

Eldaria Island Is Fun!

I built a house on Eldaria Island!! You need to see some cards. I made them myself!
Greetings From Eldaria Island!
I made the house in the background. It's a four-floor mansion. Very nice, it has a guest room and a master bedroom. I use the master bedroom, and my brothers will use the guest room until further notice.
My House!
Look at my house! If you're wondering what that thing in the background is, my brother made it. Poor guy doesn't even have an artistic license.
Balcony Pool

 Isn't the place great! It took me a long time to find this place, but boy was it worth it. The area is great! The volcano makes a nice little background.
This is the first floor, it has the kitchen and the dining table.
 The second floor is in need of furniture, maybe a coffee table or something. It has the entrance to the balcony pool.
Got any guests? Just give them this room! It's long, and it has a balcony, just as wide as the room! And just as long. My brothers have been tinkering with it. Forgot to mention, this also is the third floor.
This is the master bedroom, complete with redstone lamp lighting. Don't you like it? Too bad I can't put it up for download, that would be copyright. Because this is Eldaria Island. This is the fourth floor.
This is the roof! It has a glass fence to stop falls, and it has 3 lounge chairs. Don't forget the fountain and Birch Tree! This is the end of this post, hope you liked the house!

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