Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hang in there, baby!

Phew, upgrading strange weapons is hard, but when I see this picture, I just hang in there.
Because of this picture, I got my strange weapons all the way up to Gore-Spattered. And today, my greatest aim is to do this ONE thing. Get up to the Wicked Nasty rank. But there are more ranks. And I must get them all!
Ranks of strange weapons.
Rank Kills Name
0 0 Strange
1 10 Unremarkable
2 25 Scarcely Lethal
3 45 Mildly Menacing
4 70 Somewhat Threatening
5 100 Uncharitable
6 135 Notably Dangerous
7 175 Sufficiently Lethal
8 225 Truly Feared
9 275 Spectacularly Lethal
10 350 Gore-Spattered
11 500 Wicked Nasty
12 750 Positively Inhumane
13 999 Totally Ordinary
14 1000 Face-Melting
15 1500 Rage-Inducing
16 2500 Server-Clearing
17 5000 Epic
18 7500 Legendary
19 7616 Australian
20 8500 Hale's Own
From Official TF2 wiki. It's cool, I use it to track my kills. So the best thing to do is to aim for a rank, and then get that rank. Don't you stop on me!

Remember, I posted the rules yesterday. So today, you will need to get your own. Find a strange weapon and upgrade it! Once you get to Hale's Own, tell me! You will get a seat in my own blog! Of people that got Hale's Own! I won't be in it, I'll just give the news later. You have to give me your name that you play as in steam, that way, more people will recognize you. DO NOT GIVE AWAY YOUR PASSWORD! People read the blog, you know! Not just me! The rank you need to get into my next post on this blog is Gore-Spattered, but if you want to get in the hale's own blog, then you must have a hale's own, you must give me proof, and you must comment, so I can see. Of course, no followers yet, but I need some! So read my blog now, I will never leave (Until, of course, I do)

There are lots of people with Hale's Own i've seen around here, but you need to comment if you want me to post! You will become a legend in that blog, of course, until the other people start flushing in. But you're still the king! Because you are in first place! And you are a dictator. And the people of the blog are rebelling.
And now you're dead. Nah. You'll still be first. So if you (or you, or you, or maybe even you) have a hale's own and you comment first, you get a good place in the Hale's Own area, for those people that pwned 8500 players. If you don't do that, then you will be mining gems for those weird anthropomorphic dogs around the corner. But that isn't the point. (I actually do have weird dogs asking people to mine gems around the corner, it's really getting annoying.) The point is that you get a Hale's Own.

Now, there is one more thing. If you friend me on steam, many thanks!
You sissified maggot scum have just signed your death warrants!

By the way, if you don't have Team Fortress 2 yet, what's wrong with you? Get going and get it NOW!
Remember to get STEAM first! Wii sucks and bye!

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