Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Black Mesa Again.

So, there isn't much more to know about black mesa. The glock 17 is very versatile, with a high rate of fire.
 Very good! Looks great, eh?
Item 9mmclip.jpg
A cartridge filled with 17 9mm Bullets is it's ammo of choice.
 What Black Mesa information blog would be complete without the most devastating weapon of them all, the Gluon Gun.
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The Gluon Gun's ammo of choice is Depleted Uranium, very rare.

Next up we have the TAU cannon. Uses less ammo than the Gluon Gun, but has the same ammo of choice.
When this weapon is fully charged, it'll raise hell! But when fully charged, it has a lot of recoil. Enough to push you back about 3 meters. And don't overcharge it. If you overcharge it, not only will the enemies explode, so will you. Bloody bits everywhere.
Depleted uranium.png

 Once again, Depleted Uranium is it's ammo of choice.

 Next up we have the Tranquilizer Gun, AKA The Crossbow.
It shoots darts which can put any animal or HECU to a eternal sleep.
But these darts aren't enough to down any Xen creatures, you'll just have to fire away until they die.
Item crossbowbolts.jpg
 It's ammunition of choice is a dart clip, filled with 5 darts.
Next up we have the .357 magnum. Very powerful, almost nothing can get past it. It can also aim down it's sights.
 Ammo of choice is .357 caliber bullets.
 What weapon collection would be complete without good ol' Betsy. I mean Crowbar.
No ammo is needed for this baby, just whack whack whack all day long. Whack whack whack while I sing this song.
 The MP5 is a very good weapon when dealing with huge gangs of enemies. It's got a nice rate of fire, and can gun down an Icky in 1 mag.
Item 9mmclip.jpg
 This weapon, once again, uses 9mm bullets, this time in a 50 bullet magazine.
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 But it also has grenades, in case of a big attack.
Tripmines are very dangerous, especially in the giant nuclear warhead room in black mesa. You need to get past about 40 tripmines before you get to the elevator. But there is a song that can really motivate you. It plays during this part of the game.
It's really cool, I'm not lying. Next post is going to be Black Mesa music! So stay tuned! TTYL!

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