Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm Back!

Hallo guys (and gals)! I'm back! BACK FOR MORE BLOG POSTS. I bet you're excited about my new LAN gamers blog (I'm lying of course}. Well, well, well. Welcome. TO MY LAIR. Lemme just flag something up, according to the control panel light up there, the entire building's gonna self destruct in about 6 minutes. Pretty sure it's a problem with the light. I think the light's on the blink. But just in case it isn't, I'm actually gonna have to kill you. As discussed earlier. Don't get it? Here's some more! Space! LET GO! WE'RE IN SPACE! Space? SPACE! SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE! Let Go! I'm still in control! I can fix this! I already fixed it. And YOU ARE NOT COMING BACK. Uh Oh. Change of plans. Hold on to me. Tighter! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! GRAB ME GRAB ME GRAB MEEEEEEEE...... If you still don't get it, it's the lovable Wheatley Core. Well, loveable until he goes mad with power and forces your elevator into a pit with PotAtOs in tow. Could a moron! Smash! You! Into! This Pit! Well could he?! LAWL Turret Opera. Lyrics shall be posted soon. ACTUALLY NOW YOU FOOLS! Cara bella, cara mia bella! Mia bambina, o ciel! Ché la stimo… Ché la stimo. O cara mia, addio! La mia bambina cara, perché non passi lontana? Sì, lontana da Scïenza, Cara, cara mia bambina? Ah, mia bella! Ah, mia cara! Ah, mia cara! Ah, mia bambina! O cara, cara mia… My child, oh Chell! For I hold her in esteem… For I hold her in esteem. Farewell to my dear! My dear girl, why do you not walk away? Yes, away from Science, My dear, my dear girl? Ah, my beautiful! Ah, my dear! Ah, my dear! Ah, my child! Oh dear, my dear… Kinda stupid. LAWL. Weird. And now my suggested game for the Ipad! My first! And it is........... (Drum Roll Goes Here) Spice Bandits! (Crowd Oooooing Goes Here) You just play as these cute pirates. From space. They're fluffy, and they have multiple eyes. Did you know that they never have four eyes, they hate pizza and spice is their favorite export?! Of course you don't. Therefore, you must get this COMPLETELY FREE game. The only thing that costs money is spice packs. Spice is money that you can buy upgrades with. It's your generic tower defence game. By upgrades I mean upgrades for the gun towers. Sorry guys, I'm out of time. Bye.

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