Tuesday, July 3, 2012

HALO CE acshully tuusdae

I totally pwned my bro today. I refused to shoot him, and then he said shoot me. So I did. He though he was invincible, but he wasn't to my armor piercing sniper rifle. Took about 3 shots to take him down, even in that gigantic plasma mortar launching gun. The game we were playing is halo CE, if you were wondering.

Another player rode in a mortar a little while before that. When that happened he said "Now 2 mortars are going to wreak havoc on your base!" About 5 seconds after he said that, I shot the other player in the other mortar. He died. And then he said "Well now 1."

I am a great sniper. But after a long time, a teammate jet knocked me right off my eagle's nest. Boo. I hate accidental teampushes. But he coincidentally knocked me into another eagles nest with a better view! Thanks friend! But a few seconds after that my bro ragequitted, and he made the server. So the whole server went down. After that, I just played call of duty.

I like the new vehicles in extinction! The seraphs are really great! But my bro totally broke down when he tried to attack my longsword with a seraph. Bad decision. He was dead in seconds. But then there were also the times when I got pwned by him. You know what happened? My bro in a mythos. Me in a longsword. I shoot him with a few rockets. But you know what happens. A lot of plasma, some phosphorous, a little spark, and KABLOOIE! My longsword got blown to pieces. With me inside.

My bro is the best ragequitter that I've ever seen. He speaks in an angry voice and says threats to me, and then he gets ticked off my my slightest smirk. That is why I didn't want to shoot him. Duh. If you had a bro like that, and I think that you all do. Except for you with your sis dood. And you, onlychild. You do not know how easy your life is.

Oblivion was also played today! I became a very very very very dark red argonian. More dark than red.
I look like an assassin. I want remakes of all the games! With the skyrim engine!

 My littlest bro calls me names. They're actually pretty funny. Like these names "Vomit Boy" or "Bonk Boy(Prob got that from tf2)".

 The flood are really creepy.

If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight! Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it, and then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor.

No really, sun tzu said that.

And he does know a little more about fighting than you do, pal. But he did not invent it. And he did not perfect it. But no living man could best him in the ring of honor.

Soldier is the second stupidest class. Here is a list of stupidest classes from dumbest to smartest

Heavy, Soldier, Demoman, Scout, Medic, Sniper, Spy, Engineer. Pyro is not in the list because we don't even know how smart he is. Bai.

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