Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Death Machine.

The death machine is a machine that.. umm... kills you. First it chops into your back with a cleaver, and then it cuts off your arms with chainsaws. After that, you get half drowned in saltwater, with your eyes forced open. Then it releases a tiger, and it is ANGRY. It bites off both of your legs. Then it dips your half alive self in lava, but that doesn't kill you, and puts you in more pain. Then it scalps you, and peels off the rest of your skin with a potato peeler. Then it finally ends it with a bowie knife to the heart. Pretty weird huh? I'm going to make that machine. It should be pretty cool to send that test dummy down it. Oh you mean that death machine. Heh heh. The death machine is a minigun, nuff said.

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