Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cry Of Fear And Terraria!

Got Terraria, and Imma gonna play Cry Of Fear! Downloading it off Steam because it got released just recently as a standalone game. Hellz Yea!

If you have these games, show your love by using these wallpapers found (but not made) by me!
Neato, amirite? So Cry Of Fear is standalone, cool, cool. And I Pirated Terraria to see what it was like. Don't F**king Judge Me.

I can play LAN Multiplayer on TPB Terraria, haven't tested online servers tho. We just made a house, partied in side, mined a bit, fought the Eye Of Cthulu and Got Demonite Ore. Also, Cthulu is pronounced Koo-Thoo-Loo. Different for everybody, but that's how I pronounce it.

The Freakiest enemy in Cry Of Fear is probably the Citalopram, which symbolizes your character's (Simon) huge intake on anti-depressants. But it ain't working.
Haven't played it yet, so If there's an enemy you think is horrifying, then list it down in the comments. Oh, what's that? You never do? Okay.....

Only one outsider commented. About teh WTF Akali skins. Damn! I hate those skins, she's meant to be an awesome ninja! But Blood Moon is K, because Samurais.

My friend is half Japanese, half Filipino. And everyone at his school calls him The Last Samurai. Frickin awesome!

If you want to see someone funny play Cry Of Fear, then please watch the video below, courtesy of ChaoticMonki. (Because some of u guys be hatin on Pewds D:)
This is just the first episode, so go onto his channel for more! And while you're at it, please look at Pewdie's gameplay. If you haven't subscribed to Pewds yet, please do, and you'll be part of the Bro Army! (Like Me!)

I'm thinking about making my own Youtube channel, but who wants to see a 13 year old play games? Nobody, I've heard. Shite.

But Remember This, I ain't a crazy kid that calls everybody a noob while shouting swears over voice chat, unlike those futureless milksops, I actually have a brain. Thank you for your attention.

I almost never use voice chat, because I have an annoying loud voice that nobody likes, even me!

I'm also pretty mature on the inside for a 13 year old. (But sometimes on the outside I'm a Bloody Idiot.). To prove that 13 year olds can play games, I shall play Cry Of Fear!

Until Next Time, Readers!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mo' Creatures Has Updated To Add Wyverns!

So I got it again. Awesome! Woo, Kthx Dr Zhark! Go download it! Get Forge first though! Catch you later with more info! It's added DRAGONS!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

They See Me Rollin'!

Dey Hatin'! Patrollin' and tryin to catch me ridin' dirty! TRYIN TO CATCH ME RIDIN DIRTY!

But seriously. I roll a lot in Warframe.
I got the Ash Helmet blueprint! Woohoo! Nonetheless, I have to get the other blueprints.

But I need lots of Rubedo, and Rubedo is hard to find :(
And I also need the rarest material of them all!
Neural Sensors.... They're found on Jupiter.
Sounds fine? Ever heard of Zombies in Warframe? No? I thought so.

They're called Infested, and they will flock you like hell.

The least rare material I still need to find is Alloy Plate, but it's still pretty rare.

So the shopping list is:

150 Alloy Plate.

1 Neural Sensor.

[150 Polymer Bundle.] Done!


Gather all those materials together, and I can get an Ash helmet.

But crafting comes at a price, and that price is 15,000 credits.

And it takes 12 hours to craft. DAMN!

And then I need the rest. The chassis and systems.

Altogether that 45,000 credits to create everything. After getting the mats, of course.

AshAfter creating everything, to combine it you're gonna need another blueprint that costs 35,000 credits! 80,000 credits now? DAMN! And to craft them together you're gonna need an Orokin Cell (Which luckily I already have) And ANOTHER 25,000 credits!

So that's 105,000 credits, plus all the mats. The mats are everything in my shopping list plus MORE! GEEZUS!

Wish me luck as I go, bye readers!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Warframe, the best F2P game that deserves GOTY that you've never heard of.

Think Ninja Gaiden. Now think Mass Effect. Now you've got Warframe. Boom Shaka Boom.
Excalibur stand
Still using the puny Excalibur Frame. Really hard to get more Warframes, because, just, well you gotta get the blueprints for the helmet, body and systems, and then you gotta get the mats to craft them, and then you gotta get an Orokin Cell to put them all together...

It's just so much work. Yet I shall still do it, because I need Ash.
The Stealth Warframe. Use it if you wanna go full ninja because this guy can Teleport, throw Shurikens, use smoke bombs and the sort.

Very nice indeed. I also (After working very hard to get a whole lotta currency) got the Latron.
Costs 50,000 credits. You get 1000 credits if you solo a mission, plus 100 for each teammate in your party. You can also sell stuff. And I bought this weapon. Found out that since I didn't level it up yet that it's pretty crappy for later missions. So I'm back to the previous missions, leveling up my Semi-Auto Latron. It's great for sniping those pesky enemies from above.
My sidearm is the Furis, an automatic pistol. 'Nuff said.
My Melee is the Bo, which took up a whole lotta space in this post. It's weak, but it can stagger enemies, making it a good crowd control weapon. I also gave it an electricity mod.

What's that? I hear you moaning, but Broooo, we don't even know what mods are!

No worries, as I will tell you. They give your weapons awesome properties, but they take up space in your mod slot. Each level, you get 1 mod capacity into your mod slots. Better mods take up more mod capacity.

There are also Polarities. If a slot has a polarity, then that means if you put a mod that has the same polarity as the slot, then the mod capacity needed for that mod is halved. Vice versa (No, not that amazing hand hat) for mods without that polarity.

So that was Warframe, gonna explain more when I get the chance! Bye!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Going to make another attempt at Slender: The Eight Pages!
Yep, Imma try again! Wish me luck guys! I'm just 13, so I wonder if this will mentally scar me for years to come. Heck, maybe Slendy will even hunt me. If I can complete this, then maybe I shall get Slender: The Arrival. Link to the homepage for Slender: The Eight Pages right here! Link!

Also......... My Brothers of 9 and 6...... They want to play the most horrifying game in the world.....


Oh god man, and they want me to play it with them D: D: D: D: D:

After seeing the Slendytubby, I was scarred 4 life! Picture below, not for the faint of heart..
Now I must play the game which includes stock horror female screaming sounds.... Brrrrr.......

Ok, and as said before, wish me luck as I best Slender! Bye readers!