Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is he back?

Nope, better luck next time buddy. Just kidding. I keep forgetting to update this blog, which makes me a jerk. Well, kinda.

While I was away, my blog got 2000 more views. Which is great, for my standards.

Been checking out the Metro series, loved Metro Last Light, currently doing a playthrough of Metro 2033.
While playing DOTA 2. And TF2.

And thanks for all the views! Every single view just makes me feel more and more special, and it pushes me to make more posts!

Probably not going to post for a while, but i'm still here! I'm gonna try and post more from now on.

THANKS FOR LISTENING, CHIIILDREN! THIS IS R-DAWG! (awwwwww) And you're reading Probably Randomness Blog! And now, some music. Wait, we have no music? Darn. Sorry guys, bye.

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