Sunday, November 25, 2012


I've checked out Tribes:Ascend and it was a pretty good game. I'm looking forward to playing it, but here's all I know.
This class is pretty easy to use. You just fly around and shoot people with your guns n' stuff!
Assault Rifles are good, but you need a pistol for backup. Bang Bang.

If you're new to this game, then you definitely thought that this game would be about ancient tribes fighting each other, amirite? WRONG! These are futuristic tribes fighting each other, and they got jetpacks. They also ski with their boots. Pretty neat, right?

So, you planning on playing this game?

Rule 1: Don't download it on steam. It's gonna take forever for it to verify.

Rule 2: Classes have difficulties, use the class with the least difficulty. (Like the class pictured above.)

Those are the 2 rules that you must know.

Oh, and you'll need a tutorial on classes too. And the teams.

These are the Diamond Swords. They are the mortal enemies of......
The Blood Eagles.

So, there are 3 starting classes. You gotta buy the others with XP or Gold.
 These are the 3 starting classes for the Diamond Swords!
And the 3 starting classes for the Blood Eagles, in all their glory! They're my favorite team, you know.

There are lots of different classes. If you're going to play Tribes:Ascend, you need to know the classes.

Next, I'll describe the starting classes with more accuracy.
These are the Pathfinders, Tribe's equivalent to Scouts from TF2.
They run super fast. But before you play as them, you must know their stats.
Pathfinder Ratings.png 
So, there you go! They're not so tough. But they're super fast! Difficulty:Hard

You've already met these guys, the Soldiers.
If they were an equivalent of anything, I'd say the Soldier from TF2.
Soldier Ratings.png 
These guys are balanced. Difficulty:Hellish Easy

 The Juggernauts are good. Too good.  They got it all, toughness, durability, that kind of stuff. The only thing bad is the speed.
 Juggernaut Ratings.png 
These guys are better at tanking. Difficulty:Hard

 Play Tribes Now! It's Free To Play!

So, that's Tribes:Ascend. Nice telling you about this game, but it's time for me to go now! Bye!


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