Monday, November 19, 2012

Royal Jelly, Project R and My Aims.

So, I defeated Royal Jelly with shadow weapons. A shadow bomb and a shadow gun. Of course, I had a team. Probably the most useful player was a guy with 5* everything!

So you know what I'm aiming for, I'm aiming for good armor! So, I'm gonna try to craft the Azure Guardian armor. The hardest part? Getting the energy. I need to build up 800, that's right, 800 energy to craft it! That's the hardest part.

There's also this one material. I only have to get 1. But, there's a catch! A damn catch!
It's hard to get. SUN SILVER!
File:Crafting-Sun Silver.png
FFFUUUUU SUN SILVER! You see why I hate it?
You will get it as a reward in a later mission...... AFTER YOUR 5 STAR CERTIFICATION!

Oh, and pets. Pets Pets Pets. I need pets. I'm going for the Mewkat Baby, it's cute. I need accessories, lots of accessories. I'm putting accessories everywhere possible. A scarf for my helmet, a pet pocket for my chest, and I have to search for more accessories later.

Mewkat Pocket

So, about project R. It stands for Project Roarmulus! You remember the good ol' Roarmulus Twins? Well, they're here!
I just made this post, and this is crazy, but the post has ended, so stop reading maybe?

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