Thursday, November 15, 2012

Games that give me the creeps. SPOILERS INCLUDED.






Phew, got rid of him. You just use the holy cross.
This is kinda a render of what he looked like.

Okay, so do you remember Dead Space? Well, today's first review is for Dead Space 2! With spoilers.
So you remember Nicole, Issac's GF? Turns out she's dead. Poor Nicky.
But now, poor Issac, because he's hallucinating about Necronicole!
Glowing Eyes included. Huh.
So when you finally get seriously attacked by her, she's all like
Moment of truth, Isaac! Who am I? Am I your friend? Your lover? The one shred; one light; one bright, shining star you clung to in this Universe? Or am I your guilt? Crushing the life out of you because you can't get over the fact that I'm dead? That you feel responsible? Who... am... I?!? Why do you keep fighting me? Why can't you let go?
 And then Issac's all like
Cause you were my everything. And if I let go, I got nothing left.
And then, like a boss, he gets his GF back to normal.
So you think that's the end of this love story? Think again readers, because it doesn't have a happy ending.

So Nicky leads Issac to this eye scanner. This really isn't important. I just like to list it because, if you make one wrong move, a famous death scene in Dead Space 2 ensues. It's also probably the most gruesome. Step one: Crawl inside. Step two: The screws go tight all around. Cross my heart and hope to die... Stick a needle in your eye.
Now isn't that horrible.

So, huzzah huzzah, they got to the marker. But then.....
She tries to suck out all of your life force! TRAITOR!
So then an epic battle ensues.
Thank you Isaac. Now... time to die.
- What?
- Yours is the last body we need to be reborn! The makers must be absorbed.
- The makers? You mean me? But Stross said we could destroy the Marker.
- Not if we consume you first!
- Goddamit. I trusted you! F**k you... and f**k your Marker!
 This conversation explains everything. So read it! Friendly censors added by me!
This is part of the epic battle. So, you know Necronicole right? Well, now she's worse. She can kill you by screaming in your face. Of course, this is all just a hallucination. Nicole's dead. She always was. So in real life, if you let her do this, you'll raise your javelin gun up to your face.... And, you guessed it, shoot a round into your puny head. Your head's like butter to this weapon. So, it gets stabbed into your face. Oh the agony. But you aren't gonna let that happen, are you? So, there is something very,very important that you must do now.


Well, before this last bit you have to take care of this last guy.
Who coincidentally has the same name as my little brother.
He's Hans Tiedmann. 
 Hans DS2.jpg
There are so many choices to kill this guy, but first, the battle. He shoots 2 bullets into you. You take them out. You kick the weapon out of his hand and shoot him back. He's all like "Noo my blood"
So, you can end Hans' agony by electrocuting him or shooting his head off ninja style.
Or you could let him die.

There's still one last last trial against the ubermorph.
And yes, he is huge.
And these 3 trials are all packed into 1 last level!
The name? IT ENDS HERE.

So enough Dead Space 2 talk, I've traumatized you enough.

Instead, let us move! Onto another scary game.

This game has 2 names. My favorite name for it is Project 0.

So the creepiness of it. Japanese Ghosts. May I say more?
Way to defeat these ugly fellas? Take a picture! Lots of pictures! You have a magic camera. So don't run out of film! BTW, this is from the third installment in the series. There are 4 in all.

There's an infamous mirror scene. It has what is considered the creepiest ghost of all time!
So you just see a mirror. And then you decide to take a picture for no apparent reason!
Hey, how's it going! I'm gonna suck out your soul. OK, we're good.
Smile for the camera, kids! FOR IT WILL BE YOUR DEMISE!

And that lady up there is why I am now scared of mirrors. But I have a Desert Eagle. That should hold them off. Nah, it's just a BB replica.

Anyway, good luck sleeping and bye!

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