Sunday, June 3, 2012

Saturday And Sunday

WAIT! SMNC does not suck! It's actually pretty good! With the new update I can finally join servers! Forget assassin, I got a new class that I become all the time, and he is called........................................
Cheston. Lame name, kinda lame looks (see the pic) and lame style. The only thing good about him, and this is why he's the most efficient class used by me, is that he has a PULSE TOMMYGUN! A PULSE TOMMYGUN! He also uses explosive barrels(donkey kong style)
See his skills in this pic. Along with his PULSE TOMMYGUN! See the difficulty to use this class? Very little. By the way, is he locked in this pic? On mine he was always unlocked. Not much happening on TF2, the only thing is that I got a new hat: The Flamingo Kid. For an achievement in SMNC. It's the gunslinger's hat. Here is a picture of the gunslinger and the sniper wearing the Flamingo Kid for comparison.
 You know, maybe you should get this game. It's free. If you don't like cheston, you might like assassin, or combat girl, or support, or captain spark, or tank, or Wasco- wait a minute. Nobody likes Wascot., that's wascot.
 If you think that's ugly, you should see his baby outfit. OMG.
 I will never become any of these classes other than cheston. MNC rules and bye.

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